05 September 2009

The Click Five Biography

Four of the five original members attended the Berklee College of Music and participated in many other rock bands before coming together to form The Click, which later became The Click Five. The band lived together in Boston in a rented house on Imrie Road, which gave name to their debut album's title. The group played their first venue at the KISS 108 FM  Hatchshell Concert on the Charles River in July 2004. After that they received the attention of some of the major labels and flown to NY and LA by Epic Records Scout Dave Rocco. They were signed to Lava Records that autumn by Andy Karp. The band began recording their first album at QDivision Studios in Somerville with Mike Denneen, veteran producer for artists such as Aimee Mann, Fountains of Wayne, Letters to Cleo, and many other notable bands.
Following the completion of the recording, the band began touring, starting at smaller venues around the Boston area to larger ones across North America. The music video for the first single, "Just the Girl", a homage to "A Hard Day's Night" by The Beatles, was released in the summer and autumn of 2005 to MTV, VH1, and other outlets. Their debut album, Greetings from Imrie House, was released 16 August 2005. After a rigorous nine month US Tour, the Click Five toured Asia in 2006, visiting Singapore, Malaysia, and Japan, and later toured the British Isles that autumn with McFly.
In late 2006, lead singer Eric Dill left the band. In early 2007, the band brought on new lead singer Kyle Patrick (born Kyle Patrick Dickherber), another Berklee student. The band recorded their second album, Modern Minds and Pastimes, in the early months of 2007 and released it on 26 June 2007. The release was followed by a small United States tour. The band returned to Asia in autumn 2007 with a significantly larger itinerary. They were given the title "Band of the Year" by 987FM (Singapore) in the “Top 100 Countdown of 2007 and 2008”.
On August 2, 2008, The Click Five won the Knockout Award at MTV Asia Awards 2008, in Genting Highlands, Malaysia. On August 29, 2008, lead singer Kyle Patrick began a solo acoustic tour in the US with his friend and fellow Berklee Singer/Songwriter, Jesse Ruben. He returned to begin recording a new album with The Click Five in November.
On the 7th, 12th, and 14th of December in 2008, The Click Five took part in an event called MTV EXIT. It is a campaign to raise awareness and increase prevention of human trafficking and exploitation in Asia and the Pacific. They performed in several places around Asia, including Olympic Stadium in Phnom Penh. They also performed at the first international rock concert held at the ancient temple of Angkor Wat, Siem Reap, Cambodia.
The Click Five is currently recording new material and plan to release their third album by early Summer, 2009.

03 September 2009

My first daily math test

HI all, berhubung gw udah sedikit lupa kejadian2 di tragedi tanggal 26 maret itu. jadi gak gue lanjutin... Hehe sorry ya... Let’s we talk about my life. Well, I’m in the 3rd grade now of my lovely school, 9 JHS Bekasi. It means this is my last year as JHS student. Well, I realized that I have to study hard if I want to graduate with a high score. Tapiii tapii, dengan berat hati gue harus kasih tau lo smua, Kemarin, tepatnya tanggal 28 Agustus 2009. Dug dug dug, hasil Daily test math gue keluar. Sebenernya gue udah ada feeling bakal dapet jelek di daily test ini. Why? You Ask I answer... It is because , Gue yang seminggu waktu itu bener-bener lagi males belajar, meskipun hati gue.. (Cieelah...) Pengen banget nelajar. Alhasil, lo tau gue dapet berapa ? Jreng...Jreng.. JRENG !! DUAPULUH !! YES ! DUA DAN KOSONG !! How cool is that ?? My first daily test score... was so LOVELY.. And I’m proud of it.. Kenapa gue bangga ? Well, Let me tell you the truth... -THE FIRST MATH DAILY TEST- Ada empat barisan bangku di kelas gue. Satu barisan terdiri dari 6 meja. Nah, pas minggu itu, gue lagi dapet bangku belakang paling pojok sebelah kiri. Meskipun disinilah tempat mata guru selalu bersinggah, BUT this is a very strategic place of cheating. Sejam sebelum bel bunyi, Gue masih duduk sendirian di meja itu. Gue sih ngarep ga bakal ada yang duduk sama gue pas hari itu, biar nyonteknya ga ada yang gangguin gitu.. Hhhehehe. Tapi, Tuhan berkata lain. Temen gue, namanya Fadli, dia gak dapet tempat duduk, dan akhirnya duduk se-meja sama gue. Guru dateng. Semua langsung diem. Guru gue yang namanya Bu Ani. Bilang kalo setiap sisi soalnya beda, alias A-B A-B (udah kayak pantun ya ?). Gue dapet soal A, Fadli soal B Pas ngerjain soal... SUMPAH.. GUE GAK NGERTI SEMUA... Kalo gini caranya, gak ada cara lain selain MENYONTEK. Langsung aja gue diem2 ambil buku di tas gue. Semua Temen2 gue tau kalo gue nyontek. Tapi emang dasar , mereka memanfaatkan kesempatan ini buat nanya rumus ke gue. Tapi, gue diemin aja, nyontek sendiri atuh ! Tapi Anak disamping gue yang bernama Fadli itu terus ngegrecokin gue, masa’ dia nanya soal yang paling easy di soal B ? Karena kasian, gue korbanin waktu gue buat nayri rumus di soal dia, and ngajarin dia. Yaa, karena kita sama2 nyontek tak apa lahh.. Gue gak merasa bahwa perbuatan nyontek gue ini salah. yah habis mau ngapain lagi ? Lagian nyontek cara gue ini namanya nyontek putih, Kalo nyontek hitam itu, ngeliat jawaban orang and then, meng-copy jawaban itu tanpa atau seizin orang yang bersangkutan, itu namanya nyontek hitam dan plagiat. And orang yang ngelakuin nyontek kayak gitu, dijamin ga bakal pinter . Kalau nyontek putih, kita nyontek rumus atau ntari jawaban di buku, dan ITU HASIL KERINGAT KITA SENDIRI. Dan hasilnya, kita sama aja belajar, dan pelajaran itu masuk ke otak kita. jadi, kita nyontek sekaligus mempelajari pelajaran tersebut. Betul ga ? Jadi kalo mau nyontek, pake cara nyontek putih ya.. Tapi ttep, belajar yang giat lebih diutamakan. Nyontek itu Cuma cara darurat yang sangat beresiko. hehe Okay, back to the story... Waktu yang sedikit ngebuat gue Cuma ngerjain 3 soal dari total 10 soal. Gue pasrah bakal dapet nilai 0 ***One week later*** Pembagian ulangan. Gue deg deg kan abis.. Pas nama gue dipanggil, gue maju dengan cepat ke meja guru. Gue ambil kertas gue dari mejanya. Terus langsung ngibrit ke kursi gue. Pas gue buka hasil ulangan.. ......Congrats, You’ve got 20 !!........ Kaget, soal yang gue kerjain Cuma bener 2. But it’s alright it’s okay. Bagaimanapun juga ini hasil keringat gue juga. So i’m proud of it. Yeah, that’s all of my story today.. thank you for read this... Cheers. .Tika. PS : hasil ulangan ini harus di paraf sama ortu. Tapi pas nyokap gue tahu nilai gue dia santai aja tuh ! gue Cuma disuruh belajar lagi ! hehe, nyokap gue keren kan??? Inilah hasil ulangan gue. hahaha. keren kan ??